Message from the Guild Master

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I have accumulated a few more items to pass on. Please cascade this down through towers to ringers as appropriate.

Young Ringers’ Practices
We are in the process of setting up monthly practices for young ringers in the Guild, so that they can get used to ringing together ahead of the Ringing World National Youth Contest, which takes place each summer. The current plan is to have a practice on the 4th Sunday of the month, at different locations around the Guild. The focus will be on triples and major. Young ringers from last year have been joined by some new faces, and we now have just over 20 although not all of them can come every time.

Message to Branch Officers and Tower Captains – please let me know, either now or over time, of any young ringers who can ring triples (depending on numbers, we may be able to include some who are presently plain hunting on 7) and who are able to commit to this with all the other things that young people do (not least school work!).

Farewell to Bishop John
I have received details of a good number of quarters and peals that were rung for the Bishop in and around the weekend of his farewell, and I have compiled a list for him. I know that some of you are planning to ring between now and the end of October, which is his official retirement date. Please do send me details of what you have rung, and I will send a final list of the ringing to him at the start of November.

After several years with no Public Relations Officer, we were delighted to appoint Verna Wass to the position at the AGM in May.
Verna is keen to identify stories of interest and is willing to offer support to branches or towers who wish to draft press releases or other material. She will be putting more details in the next issue of
OddBob and on the Guild website but in the meantime her contact details are

Your branch
I have visited more than half of the branches now and plan to visit some more in the near future. I do enjoy going out to other towers and joining in with your ringing. Do let me know of anything special that is happening in your tower.

With best wishes,