Branch Training Day

Training CourseThis year’s Branch Training Day will be held on Saturday 17th October and the topic for the course will be Doubles Variations.  We plan to run two courses on the day – one will be an Introduction to Doubles Variations aimed at ringers who have little or no experience of ringing Doubles Variations; and the other will be aimed at those who have some previous experience and would like to learn more or learn how to conduct Doubles Variations.  The format for the day will be as in previous years with a morning and an afternoon session with pub lunch in between.

Further details of venues, timings and programme will be sent out in due course, but please put the date in your diary now.  In the meantime, in order to help us with planning the day I would be grateful if you could e-mail or telephone me if you think you would like to come on the course.   This will help give us an idea of the level of interest so that we can plan accordingly.  It won’t commit you to attending!

Doubles Variations are great fun to ring and once a ringer has learnt the basics there are endless combinations to have a go at.  If you can ring a touch of Bob Doubles and Grandsire Doubles, then you are already ready to start ringing Variations.  If you have experience of Variations, then come along and learn some more.

Ann Birch
Tel: 01908 503971