Over to you – a message from the Guild Master

ODG LogoOver to you…….late August 2015

I hope you have all enjoyed a good summer. Here are just a couple of things to consider:

Young Ringers’ Practices

The band which rang in the Ringing World National Youth Competition in July was a credit to the Guild, to their towers and to themselves. They scored A- and were joint second in the method ringing section. It was a real pleasure to hear them ring.

We are planning to continue the monthly practices on the 4th Sunday of the month, at different locations around the Guild. The focus will be on triples and major.

We hope that some new faces will be ready to join those who came to the practices last year.

 Message to Branch Officers and Tower Captains – please let me know, either now or over time, of any young ringers who can ring triples (depending on numbers, we may be able to include some who are presently plain hunting on 7) and who are able to commit to this with all the other things that young people do (not least school work!).

Ringing for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

I would just like to echo the message sent out by the Guild Secretary about the fact that, around 5.30 pm on Wednesday 9 September, the Queen will become the longest-reigning British monarch in history. Although Her Majesty has asked that no fuss be made of this event it is still an excellent reason to ring, and to publicise the reason for the ringing.

Your branch

I have visited each branch now but that won’t stop me visiting again! I do enjoy going out to other towers and joining in with your ringing. Do let me know of anything special that is happening in your area.

With best wishes,
