Over to you…….late May 2016

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Over to you…….late May 2016

It was such a pleasure to see so many of you at the Guild AGM on S aturday. I was particularly pleased that for some of you it was your first visit to an AGM. We were well-served with open towers, excellent tower stewards, and plenty to occupy us at Faringdon.
The lunch was delicious and efficiently served to such a large number – and the Songs of Praise rounded off the day nicely. And of course the business was attended to. Many thanks to everyone in the Vale of White Horse Branch for having the vision for the day, and making it work.

New Guild Officers

At the AGM, James Champion stood down after 4 years as General Secretary and Angela Darvill was elected to the post. In due course her details will be on the Guild website, and I am sure you will all give her the support she needs as she finds her way through the various tasks involved.

Bobbie May was elected as Public Relations Officer – a post she held some years ago, and which she has helped with in the intervening years, writing reports of our activities for the Ringing World and website.

Bobbie stepped down as one of our Central Council Representatives and we elected Graham John in her place.

Guild Festival, 9th July

A poster should have reached each tower with details of the ringing and service. Do encourage your members to come – it is a wonderful opportunity to worship together and to ring Oxford bells.

With best wishes for an enjoyable summer,