Results for Guild Six Bell Competition at Chalfont St Peter – October 5th 2019

Below are the results and a photo of the team.

Many congratulations to our treble ringer, Jen,  who stood in at the last moment due to Hannah Cromblehome not being well that morning.

1       Abingdon                                        38
2       High Wycombe                           40
3       Drayton St Leonard                 44
4       Thatcham                                      48
5       Wokingham                                 50
6       Woughton on the Green      78
7       Aylesbury                                     98
8       Oxford                                         135

Special mention to excellent treble ringing – Woughton on the Green

Report on September Branch Outing

The North Bucks branch outing culminated in a late-afternoon drive almost to the front door of the Marquis of Northampton at Castle Ashby, but had begun some seven hours earlier at Bromham, near Bedford, where the church of St Owen stands a distance from the present village, in the middle of a park created by the Dyve family in the seventeenth century and containing the earthworks of the deserted earlier village.

Bromham bells are a Taylor eight of 21cwt, augmented from a Taylor six in 1934 and therefore Simpson-tuned, very dignified and perhaps the most musical of the bells encountered during the outing.   As you might expect, we rang Grandsire, Plain Bob and Stedman – though there is a St Ouen Doubles, there isn’t an extension to triples, so we weren’t able to honour the unusual dedication with our choice of methods.

Our next tower, Stevington, a leisurely 10 minute drive away, could not have been more of a contrast.  An eighteenth century five, the historic sound reminded us of what change-ringing must have sounded like in its earliest days.  The bells are hung in an Anglo-Saxon tower (much like Lavendon), and rung from a ground floor ringing chamber entered through a side opening, as the entry from the nave has been blocked by the re-erected Jacobean chancel screen.  The church had many other historic features, not least two ruined aisles each side of the chancel, and those not engaged in rehearsing their repertoire of doubles methods found much to keep them intrigued.

On to Carlton, a  pleasant 9cwt six, though by this time we had started losing ringers to events back in MK, and then to lunch at the Fox in the village.  The relaxed timetable gave us plenty of time to enjoy a leisurely meal in good company and sample the beer on offer – some of us were bold enough to try the Norwegian Blue, which was definitely not an ex-beer.

Harrold, just across the Ouse, are another six, a little heavier at 13 cwt, and given a sonorous tone by the reverberations in the spire.  Equally of note was the huge gap between 1 and 2, left to give room for the augmentation to eight that hasn’t happened yet, and that 4,5 and 6 came down vey close to the edge of the balcony.  At a personal level I was glad to see my godfather’s name appearing as a churchwarden on a peal board from nearly fifty years ago.

Bozeat, our first of two Northants towers, was nearly a lock-out – the tower captain had chosen to go to Yorkshire instead of meeting us – but keys were rustled up in time for a quick grab.  The belfry had a very old-fashioned feel, full of black varnished peal boards from a previous century of five bell peals at the tower, often in methods not now much rung, achieved before its augmentation to a 16 cwt six.

And so to Castle Ashby, our final tower.  The church is situated between the big house’s terrace garden and the orangery – as Pevsner says, rarely is a church made so much part of the private garden furnishings of a mansion, and so to get there we had to pass by the front door of the Marquis of Northampton (though the church access is no longer through his garden, as it once was).  The presence of the marquis and his ancestors is just as prominent once you get inside the church, not least through a twice or three times life size carving in gleaming white marble of an angel about to play the last trump, placed at the west end of the nave in memory of a nineteenth century marquis.  It’s only a shame that the family didn’t spend more on the bells and less on monuments.  A 19cwt five would be challenging under any circumstances, but a long draft and poor hanging doubled the difficulty.  Methods without dodges (Reverse Canterbury, All Saints) came to the fore, as we rang on what was the oldest bell of the day – the fourth was cast in the first year of Henry VIII’s reign.

Many thanks to Doug Hird for organising a successful  and well thought out tour around towers in the district’s near north – the result of meticulous preparation and careful reconnaissance.

Martin Petchey

Plain and Little Bob Royal Course

A One Day Course organised by the
Guild Education Committee
Saturday 30th November 2019, 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
St Michael and All Angels, Aston Clinton
A course on
Plain and Little Bob Royal
for Guild Members who would like to develop their 10 bell ringing.
There will be a charge of £12.00 to cover a tower donation
and refreshments. Own arrangements for lunch.
(Pub/restaurant facilities available quite close to the Church)
The closing date for applications will be 3rd November.
To apply for this course please contact Patricia Newton
Tel: 01844 352926 email:

Grandsire Caters Course

A One Day Course organised by the
Guild Education Committee
Saturday 2nd November, 2019
10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
St Andrew, Shrivenham
A course on
Grandsire Caters
for Guild Members who would like to develop their 10 bell
There will be a charge of £12.00 to cover a tower donation
and refreshments. Own arrangements for lunch.
(Pub/restaurant facilities available quite close to the Church)
The closing date for applications will be 12th October.
Preference will be given to ringers who have not attended
previous ten bell courses.
To apply for this course please contact Ken Darvill
Tel: 01494 713217 email:

Hanslope Rehang

I am pleased to report that Whites are due to start work at Hanslope on Monday 9 September.   The bells will be removed from the tower during that week and then transported to Appleton for the refurbishment to begin.  It is estimated that the work will take between three and four months to complete.
Work was originally due to begin in mid July, but Whites had to reschedule the date because there was a backlog of work at the foundry which meant the frame would not have been ready in time for this start date.  Will get back in touch when I have some more information for you.
It’s so exciting to think that the project is finally getting underway, there were times when it felt like it was never going to happen.  
Sheila Blenkhorn – Hanslope