Bellringing Simulator for Sale

Note below from Mike Catlin who rings at St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Flitwick, Beds.

I would just like to advise that I have at my disposal a “Dumb bell” or bell ringing simulator manufactured by me personally few years back that I now wish to dispose of.

It is made to a very high standard it can be installed at ground level or high up in a loft area and comes complete with an optical sensor and all of the required hardware for connection to a PC. Having used it on and off the past 5 years or so I feel the time is now right to move it on to a new home.

To this end I am planning to offer it for sale on E Bay in the very near future and wondering if perhaps it may be of interest to any of the ringers in your own tower? 

Scheduled date for listing on eBay is Friday 5th  to Sunday 14th April and for those interested it can be viewed in advance on:-

Scheduled date for e Bay listing Friday 5th  to Sunday 14th April.

Young Ringers’ Fest Saturday April 13th 2019

Important announcement for all young ringers from ODG Training Officer Susan Read

A ringing outing to many famous OXFORD Towers has been  arranged on Saturday April 13th 2019, specifically for the enjoyment of young ringers

Any young ringers (under 21) from an ODG tower who can handle a bell safely by themselves and can ring rounds will be welcome.

(Parents/guardians need to arrange appropriate supervision all day.)

Donations of £5.00 per young ringer will be collected

To register and to receive more details, please email:

Minutes of Business Meeting at Great Linford, June 30th 2018

North Bucks Branch

Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers

Business Meeting at Great Linford

30th June 2018


The meeting was opened at 17:45 by Graham Bartholomew, he welcomed everyone especially Alan Shephard from Dunstable who would be judging the contest.

The members present were asked to complete the attendance register.

In attendance were 60 members representing 15 towers were present.

Apologies for Absence.

Had been received from:

Garry & Hilary Reading, Tine Marchbank, John Marchbank, Brian Baldwin, Janet Bond, Janet Maybin, Sally Gallimore, Doug Vale

We wish Brian Baldwin a speedy recovery to full health and ringing.

Election of new members

No new members were proposed

Election of Officers

  1. Ringing Master Barry Eglesfield. Proposed Alan Marchbank seconded John Marchbank. There being no other nominations, Barry was elected.

The Chairman reminded the meeting that Gary Reading intends to stand down in August so we are looking for his replacement and there is still a vacancy for Guild Representative.

Barry thanked the meeting for their support for him.

Diary of Events.

A pack of information including a diary of Events is available to take away, please display in your tower. Updates will be sent out too and it will appear in In Touch and on the web site.

We thank Nick Reed for getting the mid week group going. Next meeting is in July at Lavendon.

The Branch outing is organised and Notices are available to take away and on the website. Please encourage support from your tower. Thanks to Sarah who booked all the Towers.


  1. To note. Garry has indicated he will stand down in August, which gives time for a handover to his successors. We thank him for the work he has done as Secretary.
  2. To note, Steve Thomason (Gt Linford) has offered to maintain the Branch Web Site
  3. To note, Keith Wagstaff (Newport) has volunteered to maintain the Branch Membership database
  4. To note, Alan Marchbank has been organising events and publicising them to members. Notices are being sent to Towers please make sure your tower contact displays notices.
  5. Barry will be seeking ringers for the Inter-Branch Striking contest at the end of July. Please volunteer if you can help.
  6. A Vote of Thanks was proposed to the Gt Linford band that had organised today and prepared the tea.


The Chairman closed the meeting at 17:56

Post Meeting Note

Ten teams entered the striking contest, which was won by Shenley and Loughton. The Chairman thanked Alan Shephard for judging and presented a gift to recognise his work. Alan awarded the Colin Snack Trophy to Ted Fawcett, conductor of the winning team.

Branch Meeting and Christmas Social at Loughton



This year the Branch Christmas Meeting will be held at All Saints’ Loughton.

Following a significant bequest from Bob Winstanley these bells have been retuned and rehung in a new frame, with a new treble and tenor bell. This is a great opportunity to ring them and remember Bob.

The arrangements for the afternoon will be:

        16:00 open ringing
        17:45 short business meeting
        18:00 tea and refreshments
        18:45 more ringing

Tea, comprising pizza, salad and puddings, will be provided for those who book it.

In addition there will be handbell ringing (including a chance to try “lapping” handbells), a quiz, and a Whiting Society bookstall (your chance to buy the latest publications).

Booking for tea is essential, as the pizzas have to be ordered in advance.