Branch Meeting and Christmas Social at Loughton



This year the Branch Christmas Meeting will be held at All Saints’ Loughton.

Following a significant bequest from Bob Winstanley these bells have been retuned and rehung in a new frame, with a new treble and tenor bell. This is a great opportunity to ring them and remember Bob.

The arrangements for the afternoon will be:

        16:00 open ringing
        17:45 short business meeting
        18:00 tea and refreshments
        18:45 more ringing

Tea, comprising pizza, salad and puddings, will be provided for those who book it.

In addition there will be handbell ringing (including a chance to try “lapping” handbells), a quiz, and a Whiting Society bookstall (your chance to buy the latest publications).

Booking for tea is essential, as the pizzas have to be ordered in advance.

We Will Remember Them – Talk by Alan Regin

We Will Remember Them –

the Bellringers who Fell in the First World War

 A talk by one of the world’s best known bellringers, Alan Regin
about his work documenting the war records of the 1400 bellringers who died in the First World War for which he was awarded an MBE in the 2018 New Year Honours list.


All Saints Church Campton

Near Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5PD


Friday 2 November at 8.00pm

Advance tickets (online only*):                       Adults £8.50

 On the door                                                              Adults £10

Children (18 or under)                                          No charge

Ticket includes a drink – tea/coffee/wine/soft drink.

* Tickets can be booked online through Eventbrite: