Branch Meeting and Christmas Social at Loughton



This year the Branch Christmas Meeting will be held at All Saints’ Loughton.

Following a significant bequest from Bob Winstanley these bells have been retuned and rehung in a new frame, with a new treble and tenor bell. This is a great opportunity to ring them and remember Bob.

The arrangements for the afternoon will be:

        16:00 open ringing
        17:45 short business meeting
        18:00 tea and refreshments
        18:45 more ringing

Tea, comprising pizza, salad and puddings, will be provided for those who book it.

In addition there will be handbell ringing (including a chance to try “lapping” handbells), a quiz, and a Whiting Society bookstall (your chance to buy the latest publications).

Booking for tea is essential, as the pizzas have to be ordered in advance.