Guild Quiz Results

The Woughton band aka “Roundabouts” entered the virtual Guild Quiz on Saturday 27th March and came third out of 16 teams and 80+ ringers taking part. The team feel the Branch was well represented and enjoyed the evening in break out rooms.

The Quiz Master, Kate, presented the winners with the award, (virtually), a rather amazing silver bowl that has recently been donated to the Guild. Some digging in the guild archives has revealed that this rose bowl was once presented to Rev F E Robinson – the guild’s first master and first ringer to a thousand peals. Kate hopes that this will become an annual event.

The event was run by the Abingdon Rotary Club with some very good Zoom technology, most of which went well

This was the final scoreboard:

Hanslope Bell Restoration Project

Hanslope bells were taken down from the tower by White’s with the help of the bell ringers and local people in September 2019, and they were put into the church so that the people were able to in come and see them.    We held a very successful “Goodbye to the Bells” evening which was extremely well supported and amazingly raised several thousand pounds.  

The bells were then collected by White’s and taken to their premises in Appleton to begin work on them, and with a planned return date to Hanslope of December 2019 / January 2020.    However, when they took the headstocks off they discovered that the 7th and tenor bells had too many holes in the crown so they needed to be sent away for welding and then re-drilled.   There was also a delay due to a backlog of work at the company where they were casting the frame.  

By this time it was March 2020 and, as we all know, the start of coronavirus which impacted further on the work at White’s. 

The bells were eventually returned to Hanslope in August 2002 and once again were put on display in the church for villagers and others to visit, but under very controlled conditions and wearing masks due to the imposed restrictions of the virus.   We had envisaged another big money making event to welcome the bells back to the church and hopefully raise a few more thousand pounds.  

In the event, we had a very low key Service of Dedication of the Bells on Sunday 16 August, with a socially distanced congregation.  Again, it was nothing like we had imagined.  

The following week White’s returned to put the bells back up into the tower with the assistance of several branch members (to whom we were very grateful) and villagers.  Over the next few weeks White’s completed the installation, it was not easy for them with all the Covid restrictions, especially as it was not possible for them to ring all eight bells together.  

The bells were finally inspected and signed off by Alan Marchbank at the beginning of October, well over a year from when we had stopped ringing.   Following this we received the grants from the ODG Bell Fund and the North Bucks Branch, for which we thank you and are extremely grateful. 

We have still not been able to ring the bells.  We had been scheduled to ring some of the bells for the first time on Remembrance Sunday, but the second lockdown scuppered that.   So as things stand, we’ve had no ringing at Hanslope for fifteen months.  The villagers keep asking “When are we going to hear the bells again?” but only Boris knows the answer to that!

As a result of the extra work required on the bells and an increase in the cost of the building work, we still have an amount of £12,500 outstanding to be found and no prospect in the near future of being able to hold any money raising events.  

White’s also mentioned that we might need some sound proofing between the floors, but until we are able to ring and try out the bells we won’t know for certain if this will be required.  

Finally I must say that the installation and the bells look magnificent – all the beautiful new wood fittings and the blue metalwork.   It’s just so frustrating that we cannot ring them.  Some of our ringers haven’t even seen them yet,  due to restriction on access allowed into the church.   

Report on Hanslope Bell Restoration Project, as given by Sheila Blenkhorn to the North Bucks Branch Half Yearly Business Meeting on Sat 5 December 2020 (held via Zoom)

ODG Young Ringers Lockdown Award

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well.

Given where we are with the Covid-19 pandemic and our ability to be active in our hobby, we (The Learning & Development Workgroup aka The Education sub-Committee) thought it would be a great idea to understand how the Guild’s younger membership were doing. To that end we are with immediate effect, launching the ‘ODG Young Ringers Lockdown Award’ which we sincerely hope will be a one off.

Obviously the ringing opportunities for all but a very few are very limited at the moment so we are looking for entries for anything at all related to ringing from the sensible (learned to ring handbells) to the completely ‘whacky’ (built their own mini ring out of matchsticks). Here are a few examples:

1.       Ringing crosswords
2.       Rope splicing (or using bell ropes to make something)
3.       Handbell ringing
4.       Use of Ringing Room, Abel, Handbell Stadium or other ringing platforms. What did you learn?
5.       Arts & Crafts (have you painted your local church, made a model bell, made a tapestry or cross stitch picture which is ringing related? – Anything goes)
6.       Composition (Methods, Touches, Peal etc)
7.       Anything else no matter how abstract, the more imaginative the better.

The Rules

1.       Entrants must be 18 or under at any time during 2021.
2.       Young Ringers can nominate themselves, or they can be nominated by an adult.
3.       Submission forms for the award are attached to this message and will be resent at intervals between now and the closing date.
4.       Multiple entries from each young ringer are permitted (the more the better)
5.       All entries to be received by 31st August 2021 (there will be an awards ceremony virtual or face to face by the end of September)
6.       There are no more rules 


Electronic submissions are preferred to<>. Please attach photographs of any physical artefacts and any other file attachments which support the submission. If a different method of submission is required, please contact<> and someone will get back to you..

Best wishes

Jo Druce
Colin Newman

Branch Towers Ringing Status as at 16th August 2020

Towers that are ringing on Sunday:

Great Linford5-6 Bells
Downs Barn5-6 Bells
Emberton3 Bells
Lillingstone Lovell5 Bells
Old Bradwell3 Bells
Newport Pagnell4 Bells
Bletchley (from 13th Sept)3 Bells

Towers chiming one bell on Sunday:

Woughton on the Green
Great Brickhill

Towers that are not ringing until further notice:

Maids Moreton
Stoney Stratford
Hanslope (Re-hang in progress)
Fenny Stratford
Old Wolverton

Compiled by Graham Bartholomew, Assistant Ringing Master North Bucks.

Covid 19 Virus : All branch ringing activity cancelled until further notice

 All North Bucks Branch ringing activities including Branch Practices and Midweek Group meetings are cancelled with immediate effect until further notice.

The Central Council of Church Bellringers formal notice is given below:

New updates on the Coronavirus have been issued by the UK government today (Monday 16th March), which include avoiding any “non-essential” travel and contact with others and avoiding pubs, clubs theatres and social gatherings.  If you haven’t already decided to cancel ringing activities, it seems that now is the time to do so.

We must all ensure that we are following the most up to date advice from the Chief Medical Officer (or overseas equivalent) with regard to the Covid 19 outbreak.  Of course the Central Council is not in a position to provide professional advice, however there are some simple guidelines to consider to ensure that we adopt sensible precautions and support each other through a period of rapid change and uncertainty.   The advice is changing almost daily and the latest messages concern potential restriction of movement of people over the age of 70 in the coming weeks, if not sooner.

The demographics of the ringing community has a large proportion who fit in to the over 70 year old and/or medically vulnerable category, and ringers can be quite stubborn when it comes to continuing ringing, insisting that we “keep calm and carry on”.  However, under the current circumstances, we have a duty to be responsible for ourselves and towards others we ring with.  If you fit into a category that has been advised to socially distance yourself, please heed that advice.  If not for you, then to help prevent putting other people at risk.

Having said that, socially distancing yourself can create a sense of isolation, and we must ensure that we maintain contact with our ringing friends, and offer any help and support where we can.  Please check in with those who are advised to stay home, phone them for a chat to ask how they are, drop them a quick text, Whatsapp or social media message to let them know they haven’t been forgotten.

If you find yourself self-isolating, consider how you might get your ringing fix if not on the end of a rope.  There are many apps for phones and computers that you can utilise to learn methods, practise listening skills and so on. There’s a multitude of YouTube videos on various aspects of ringing, ringing up and down, rope splicing and many other tower tasks that need doing.  Get out some good old paper and pencil to write out methods, learn the place notation, write out touches etc  – that’ll keep you busy for hours!  Keep in touch with friends on the various bellringing social media communities, maybe even start one of your own.  Get that tower website up to date.  Get around to writing up last year’s tower AGM minutes.  Plan what you are going to do once the restrictions have been lifted, maybe organise a reunion.

Keep up to date with the latest advice from the government, ensure that you support each other, keep calm and keep safe.

Results for Guild Six Bell Competition at Chalfont St Peter – October 5th 2019

Below are the results and a photo of the team.

Many congratulations to our treble ringer, Jen,  who stood in at the last moment due to Hannah Cromblehome not being well that morning.

1       Abingdon                                        38
2       High Wycombe                           40
3       Drayton St Leonard                 44
4       Thatcham                                      48
5       Wokingham                                 50
6       Woughton on the Green      78
7       Aylesbury                                     98
8       Oxford                                         135

Special mention to excellent treble ringing – Woughton on the Green