Grandsire Caters Course

A One Day Course organised by the
Guild Education Committee
Saturday 2nd November, 2019
10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
St Andrew, Shrivenham
A course on
Grandsire Caters
for Guild Members who would like to develop their 10 bell
There will be a charge of £12.00 to cover a tower donation
and refreshments. Own arrangements for lunch.
(Pub/restaurant facilities available quite close to the Church)
The closing date for applications will be 12th October.
Preference will be given to ringers who have not attended
previous ten bell courses.
To apply for this course please contact Ken Darvill
Tel: 01494 713217 email:

Young Ringers’ Fest Saturday April 13th 2019

Important announcement for all young ringers from ODG Training Officer Susan Read

A ringing outing to many famous OXFORD Towers has been  arranged on Saturday April 13th 2019, specifically for the enjoyment of young ringers

Any young ringers (under 21) from an ODG tower who can handle a bell safely by themselves and can ring rounds will be welcome.

(Parents/guardians need to arrange appropriate supervision all day.)

Donations of £5.00 per young ringer will be collected

To register and to receive more details, please email:

We Will Remember Them – Talk by Alan Regin

We Will Remember Them –

the Bellringers who Fell in the First World War

 A talk by one of the world’s best known bellringers, Alan Regin
about his work documenting the war records of the 1400 bellringers who died in the First World War for which he was awarded an MBE in the 2018 New Year Honours list.


All Saints Church Campton

Near Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5PD


Friday 2 November at 8.00pm

Advance tickets (online only*):                       Adults £8.50

 On the door                                                              Adults £10

Children (18 or under)                                          No charge

Ticket includes a drink – tea/coffee/wine/soft drink.

* Tickets can be booked online through Eventbrite:



Over to you…….March 2017

ODG Logo

Over to you…….March 2017

It has been good to visit several branches for your AGMs – and I have a few still to come.

Whilst not most people’s cup of tea, it is important that we attend these meetings to play our part in influencing decisions – and particularly to support branch officers.

The Guild AGM is coming up – on Saturday 20th May – and you can expect details fairly soon. Please come – there will be activities and ringing, as well as the service and meeting.

Ahead of that – we know that the officers listed below do not wish to stand again. Please consider whether you, or someone in your tower, might have the skills needed – or might be willing to take on one of the jobs. This is a large guild and will only function well if we have officers for all of the posts. I have supplied an extract of some of their tasks, and the full job descriptions can be seen on the Guild website.

  • Deputy Master (support the Master; arrange Striking Competitions)
  • One Guild Steward (visit 3 branches and support as needed)
  • Webmaster (update the website – plans are in hand for this to be on a new platform)
  • Public Relations Officer (aim to set up a network of PR people around the Guild)
  • Safeguarding Officer (Katie Lane is happy to work alongside someone for a handover year)

Please contact either the current post-holder, or myself, if interested.

With best wishes,

Over to you…….August 2016

ODG Logo

Over to you…….August 2016

As you are probably aware, the new Bishop of Oxford will be inaugurated at a special service in Christ Church Cathedral on Friday 30th September. Following that, he will be welcomed around the diocese at special services in each Archdeaconry (Berkshire on 5th October; Dorchester on 9th October; Oxford on 12th October and Buckingham on 13th October).

It would be lovely if we could ring around the Guild to welcome him.

With best wishes for a restful August,