Over to you – a message from the Guild Master

ODG LogoGuild AGM 16th May, Cowley

The notices for this will be with towers soon – this year displays on what the Guild can offer to its members are planned and there will be plenty of opportunity to meet ringers from around the Guild. We will be looking to fill posts where officers do not wish to stand again so please consider whether anyone from your tower or branch might be just the one for the job! We know we have vacancies for 2 Stewards. The Stewards each “look after” 3 branches, and attend practices and events/meetings in these branches and help in many other ways. Do speak to one of the Stewards or myself if you are at all interested.

Reminder of some things to ring for…….

St George’s Day (23rd April); the 300th anniversary of the First Peal (2nd May); 70th anniversary of VE Day (8th May); 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta (14th and 15th June).

Also – consider whether anyone from your tower might like to attempt their first peal as part of the national challenge to get 300 people to ring their first peal in this anniversary year. Contact one of your branch officers if you would like help.

Want some ideas for recruiting ringers??

See the summary of branch feedback to Guild General Committee, on the Guild website now!

And finally

The Guild Ringing Day is on Monday 4th May in the Central Bucks Branch but with a couple of added extras in Bedfordshire (including the magnificent 12 at Leighton Buzzard). The 8-bell striking competition on the same day is also worth listening to – look out for details!

With best wishes,


Message from the Guild Master

ODG LogoYoung Ringers’ Award 2015/2016

I am pleased to draw your attention to the Young Ringers’ Award Scheme, which is again being run by the Guild’s Education Sub-committee. A poster and Registration Form will be coming your way.

A description of what is involved along with other useful information can be found on the Guild website. The suggested framework provides stimulating and worthwhile activities throughout the year, for ringers with a spread of ages and abilities.

Those who wish to participate should complete the Registration Form, also on the website, get it signed by a parent or guardian, and return it to the Secretary of the Education Sub-committee by 31st March 2015. Previous participants can join again this year.

Can Branch Secretaries please forward this to Tower Captains; and can you all encourage members of the Guild aged under 18 on 1st April 2015 to consider taking part.

Can you help…….

……. The Guild’s Public Relations Officer, Verna Wass, is hoping to set up a network of contacts, minimum of one in each branch, who can pass stories on to her. To date very few branches have been in touch – her email address is pro@odg.org.uk. Please identify someone from your branch who would be willing to do this – possibly a newsletter editor?

……and we are looking for somebody to prepare an annual Quarter Peal analysis for the Guild, using details from the Ringing World. If you want to know more please contact James Champion secretary@odg.org.uk and he can put you in touch with the person who has been doing it so far.

And finally

Look out for details of the Guild AGM which this year is being held at Cowley on Saturday 16th May. We are planning displays on what the Guild can offer to its members….. put the date in your diary now, so you don’t miss this opportunity to meet ringers from around the Guild.

With best wishes,


Message from the Guild Master

ODG Logo
As we head towards Christmas, with its extra ringing, here is another communication from me. Please cascade this down through towers to ringers as appropriate.

Subscriptions 2015
Guild General Committee last weekend approved the annual subscription for 2015, which is £8 per member – unchanged from last year. Do respond to requests from your branch treasurer and pay promptly!

Sharing Good News
As mentioned last time, the Guild’s Public Relations Officer, Verna Wass, would like to set up a network of contacts around the Guild, who can send her stories of good news. Verna can then pass these on. Do talk about this in your branch and agree who will be your link person. Verna’s contact details are pro@odg.org.uk.

Things to ring for
Of particular note next year is the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta (sealed on 15th June 1215), so do consider ringing to mark this. Also of interest is the 300th anniversary of the first recorded peal, on 2nd May 1715. The Central Council’s website has other suggestions of things to ring for, see http://cccbr.org.uk/things-to-ring-for.

Your branch
From February onwards, most branches hold their AGMs. I plan to come to as many as I can, although I do know that there are some days when there is more than one, so I won’t be able to make them all. I am always happy to respond to invitations from branches, so do let me know of anything special that is happening.

With best wishes,

PS Master’s Blog – a new posting has just gone up!

ODG 6-bell Striking Competition

Branch News 2Hanslope represented the North Bucks branch at the ODG 6-bell striking competition hosted by the Old North Bucks Branch.

Hanslope were second to Drayton St Leonard in the heats held at Cholsey (a fine ring of eight) and progressed through to the final at Aston Tirrold.  This ring of six were challenging for all the competing bands, with the treble in particular being very odd-struck.  Hanslope came in a very respectable 5th with Roy Keeves’s early command of the treble getting a special mention from the judge.  The full results of the final were:

1 High Wycombe – 14 faults
2 Thatcham – 15 faults
3 Wokingham – 19 faults
3 Drayton St Leonard – 19 faults
5 Hanslope – 21 faults
6 Caversham – 60 faults

The next ODG striking competion is the 10-bell, which will be held at Long Crendon on 22nd November.

Message from the Guild Master

ODG Logo

I have accumulated a few more items to pass on. Please cascade this down through towers to ringers as appropriate.

Young Ringers’ Practices
We are in the process of setting up monthly practices for young ringers in the Guild, so that they can get used to ringing together ahead of the Ringing World National Youth Contest, which takes place each summer. The current plan is to have a practice on the 4th Sunday of the month, at different locations around the Guild. The focus will be on triples and major. Young ringers from last year have been joined by some new faces, and we now have just over 20 although not all of them can come every time.

Message to Branch Officers and Tower Captains – please let me know, either now or over time, of any young ringers who can ring triples (depending on numbers, we may be able to include some who are presently plain hunting on 7) and who are able to commit to this with all the other things that young people do (not least school work!).

Farewell to Bishop John
I have received details of a good number of quarters and peals that were rung for the Bishop in and around the weekend of his farewell, and I have compiled a list for him. I know that some of you are planning to ring between now and the end of October, which is his official retirement date. Please do send me details of what you have rung, and I will send a final list of the ringing to him at the start of November.

After several years with no Public Relations Officer, we were delighted to appoint Verna Wass to the position at the AGM in May.
Verna is keen to identify stories of interest and is willing to offer support to branches or towers who wish to draft press releases or other material. She will be putting more details in the next issue of
OddBob and on the Guild website but in the meantime her contact details are pro@odg.org.uk.

Your branch
I have visited more than half of the branches now and plan to visit some more in the near future. I do enjoy going out to other towers and joining in with your ringing. Do let me know of anything special that is happening in your tower.

With best wishes,

Message from the Guild Master

Welcome to this first communication from me! I plan to be in touch in this way when there are items to pass on to branches. Please cascade this down through towers to ringers as appropriate.

ODG Logo

Welcome to this first communication from me! I plan to be in touch in this way when there are items to pass on to branches. Please cascade this down through towers to ringers as appropriate.

First World War Commemoration
I know that many of you are participating in events in your local communities, by ringing the bells either half-muffled or open, on 3rd and 4th August. This commemoration is one of those occasions when bells are wanted and have an important role to play. The minister at one of the churches where I ring said: “The thing about the bells is that they are heard throughout the village, and would hopefully bring to everyone’s awareness the significance of the occasion, more than a service in Church.” Do be aware of other events over the next four years and offer your ringing services to your communities.

Farewell to Bishop John
As most of you will know, Bishop John leaves the Diocese in the autumn. He is Patron of the ODG and I will be writing to him with the best wishes of the Guild for his retirement. The Diocese is holding a “Grand Day Out” in Oxford on Saturday 20th September, and I am arranging a quarter peal at St Thomas’, Oxford, that day as a farewell complement to the bishop. The Deputy Master is arranging a peal at Olney and I guess that other ringing is being arranged around the Guild.
Do think about ringing a quarter sometime around the time of the Bishop’s departure. Please let me know (either before or after the event) and I will send the details to the Bishop AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER.

Your Branch
I as Master would very much like to visit all branches and am happy to receive notices of special events or practices. My email address is at the bottom.
May I also remind branch officers to invite principal Guild Officers and the Steward for your branch, to your meetings. Their details can be found on the Guild website www.odg.org.uk.
With best wishes,