Plain and Little Bob Royal Course

A One Day Course organised by the
Guild Education Committee
Saturday 30th November 2019, 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
St Michael and All Angels, Aston Clinton
A course on
Plain and Little Bob Royal
for Guild Members who would like to develop their 10 bell ringing.
There will be a charge of £12.00 to cover a tower donation
and refreshments. Own arrangements for lunch.
(Pub/restaurant facilities available quite close to the Church)
The closing date for applications will be 3rd November.
To apply for this course please contact Patricia Newton
Tel: 01844 352926 email:

Grandsire Caters Course

A One Day Course organised by the
Guild Education Committee
Saturday 2nd November, 2019
10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
St Andrew, Shrivenham
A course on
Grandsire Caters
for Guild Members who would like to develop their 10 bell
There will be a charge of £12.00 to cover a tower donation
and refreshments. Own arrangements for lunch.
(Pub/restaurant facilities available quite close to the Church)
The closing date for applications will be 12th October.
Preference will be given to ringers who have not attended
previous ten bell courses.
To apply for this course please contact Ken Darvill
Tel: 01494 713217 email:

Steeple Aston – One Day Training Course

Saturday 26th October 2019 At Steeple Aston
9.15am to 8.00pm
A one-day training course providing tuition and practical experience ringing basic methods from Plain Hunt, Plain Bob and Grandsire to Plain Bob Major

£30 per person
For further details and an application form please email
(includes evening meal)
The closing date for applications is Sunday 15th September

Click on the link below to download poster:

Steeple Aston 2019 Poster

Branch Training Day – Doubles Variations

Branch News 2On Saturday October 17th the North Bucks Branch held their annual training day, learning about ringing doubles variations, an area that can often be overlooked at tower practices. Personally this was a new experience as I am used to ringing triples and major methods. It felt very different.

The training consisted of two sessions. The morning session was held at Downs Barn, followed by Woughton in the afternoon. There was a varied mix of ringers at both sessions. I found the sessions very enlightening and educational. It was the first time I had ever combined doubles methods with bobs and singles of another method. Nevertheless I started to quickly understand it as the more experienced ringers explained how and why this happens. To my surprise it worked. There was a deserved break in the middle of the day for lunch, as the morning ringing proved quite tiring both physically and mentally.

I would like to thank all of the helpers on the course as their instruction proved very helpful and it made me more interested in the many doubles methods and variations that exist, and keen to try some of them out on practice nights.

Lydia Bates

Simpson, Milton Keynes
St Thomas the Apostle
Saturday, 14 November 2015 (7–1–7)
1260 Doubles (11 M/V)
Antelope, Litchurch, St Jude, St Laurence, St Austell, St Stephen, St David, St Mary, St Crispin, St Cecilia, Laverstoke

1 Brian Baldwin
2 Gary Reading
3 Ann Birch
4 Martin Petchey
5 Simon J O Head (C)
6 Paul Crombleholme

Most m/v 2, 3, 4; for North Bucks Branch quarter-peal week by participants in a recent Branch course on Doubles Variations.

Course Material

The following course material is now available:

For a list of doubles variations why not try here?  You have been warned – it is long.

Terry Page

ART Module 2 course at Marsworth, by Brian Baldwin

Training CourseHeld at All Saints’ Marsworth – Saturday 17th October 2015
Tutor: Pip Penney

Six Teachers and two Mentors met, representing Barnes, Caterham, Fulham, Great Brickhill, Linslade, Wokingham and Woughton on the Green Towers.

Practical exercises in the tower, learning how to give feedback whilst ringing

Having been a Tower Captain for 40 years and just spent two years teaching a new band in a local tower, virtually from scratch, I have held ART at arms length for some time now with a slightly arrogant attitude of “what can they teach me that I do not already know”. I am pleased to say that this was quickly dispelled with Pip giving a comprehensive and interesting presentation covering Foundation Skills, Building a Band, Plain Hunt and Plain Bob skills development, topped off with sound advice on Running a Good Practice. Okay “so I knew it all” but it certainly reminded me of a number of things I was not actually doing and should be.

Pip Penney tutoring the course at Marsworth

I am pleased I went and I gained a lot from finding out that all the teaching problems I have are replicated across many towers and there are things you can do to stimulate interest, and get them to progress incrementally with little bits of valuable fun.  The practical exercises were excellent, some helpful books were available, and the tips and advice of fellow participants all added value to the day.

Advice on 'standing behind' whilst teaching plain hunt

I presented myself as a Teacher with a Mentor that I taught to ring 35 years ago.  All I have to do now is to complete the theory tests and paperwork process that is slightly daunting and I might just make it to accreditation.

Many thanks to Pip and to Richard Booth for all the practical support to the day, especially rescuing my iPad that I left behind in my rush to get home for the rugby.

Brian Baldwin, Tower Captain, Woughton on the Green, Milton Keynes

Branch Training Day

Training CourseThis year’s Branch Training Day will be held on Saturday 17th October and the topic for the course will be Doubles Variations.  We plan to run two courses on the day – one will be an Introduction to Doubles Variations aimed at ringers who have little or no experience of ringing Doubles Variations; and the other will be aimed at those who have some previous experience and would like to learn more or learn how to conduct Doubles Variations.  The format for the day will be as in previous years with a morning and an afternoon session with pub lunch in between.

Further details of venues, timings and programme will be sent out in due course, but please put the date in your diary now.  In the meantime, in order to help us with planning the day I would be grateful if you could e-mail or telephone me if you think you would like to come on the course.   This will help give us an idea of the level of interest so that we can plan accordingly.  It won’t commit you to attending!

Doubles Variations are great fun to ring and once a ringer has learnt the basics there are endless combinations to have a go at.  If you can ring a touch of Bob Doubles and Grandsire Doubles, then you are already ready to start ringing Variations.  If you have experience of Variations, then come along and learn some more.

Ann Birch
Tel: 01908 503971