Lockdown in England and Remembrance Sunday

The Covid guidance has been updated in response to the lockdown in England that starts tomorrow for four weeks.

The government in England is asking people to stay at home if at all possible. Stopping ringing during this time is consistent with that request. Churches are closed except for private prayer and broadcast worship. We realise England’s senior faith leaders, including the Bishop of London who heads the C of E Recovery Group, are challenging the government’s decision to ban communal worship during this further lockdown period, but at the moment no exception has been made, and even if it was, our guidance wouldn’t change. This is a much stricter lockdown that Tier 3.

However, we support the tolling of a single bell on Remembrance Sunday, if it is with the permission of the incumbent and churchwardens. The tolling of a single bell is a powerful symbol of remembrance understood by communities and will mean a great deal to many. Please be particularly aware of the risks associated with entering a tower and ringing on your own – make sure someone knows you are doing it and can watch out for you. A muffle is not needed when tolling a single bell.

Draw for Guild 8 Bell Striking Competition 6th May

The Competition will start at 1630 at Great Brickhill, as indicated in the Notice. The draw for ringing position and approximate time of ringing is as follows:.



Approx ringing time
1 High Wycombe 16.30
2 Central Bucks 16.45
3 Tilehurst 17.00
4 EBSB 17.15
5 North Bucks 17.30
6 Banbury Branch 17.45
7 Reading St Mary & St Giles 18.00
8 Young Ringers 18.15
Results announced in village hall 18.45pm

Traditional ringers’ teas will be available in the village hall and must be pre booked.

Tea, coffee & soft drinks will be available to all.

The village hall will be the base for the afternoon with teas and results there. It is about 200yds up the road from the church.


Bellringing Simulator for Sale

Note below from Mike Catlin who rings at St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Flitwick, Beds.

I would just like to advise that I have at my disposal a “Dumb bell” or bell ringing simulator manufactured by me personally few years back that I now wish to dispose of.

It is made to a very high standard it can be installed at ground level or high up in a loft area and comes complete with an optical sensor and all of the required hardware for connection to a PC. Having used it on and off the past 5 years or so I feel the time is now right to move it on to a new home.

To this end I am planning to offer it for sale on E Bay in the very near future and wondering if perhaps it may be of interest to any of the ringers in your own tower? 

Scheduled date for listing on eBay is Friday 5th  to Sunday 14th April and for those interested it can be viewed in advance on:-


Scheduled date for e Bay listing Friday 5th  to Sunday 14th April.

Ringing World Marketing Promotion

The Ringing World is running a small marketing promotion by making the 12th May edition available free online via BellBoard.

This issue has coverage of CRAG (including an article by Steve Coleman and response by Phil Barnes), York Minster and recruitment in schools plus a lot more.

You might like to read it or draw it to the attention of non-subscribers.

Nigel Orchard
Chairman, The Ringing World.