Message from the Guild Master

ODG LogoYoung Ringers’ Award 2015/2016

I am pleased to draw your attention to the Young Ringers’ Award Scheme, which is again being run by the Guild’s Education Sub-committee. A poster and Registration Form will be coming your way.

A description of what is involved along with other useful information can be found on the Guild website. The suggested framework provides stimulating and worthwhile activities throughout the year, for ringers with a spread of ages and abilities.

Those who wish to participate should complete the Registration Form, also on the website, get it signed by a parent or guardian, and return it to the Secretary of the Education Sub-committee by 31st March 2015. Previous participants can join again this year.

Can Branch Secretaries please forward this to Tower Captains; and can you all encourage members of the Guild aged under 18 on 1st April 2015 to consider taking part.

Can you help…….

……. The Guild’s Public Relations Officer, Verna Wass, is hoping to set up a network of contacts, minimum of one in each branch, who can pass stories on to her. To date very few branches have been in touch – her email address is Please identify someone from your branch who would be willing to do this – possibly a newsletter editor?

……and we are looking for somebody to prepare an annual Quarter Peal analysis for the Guild, using details from the Ringing World. If you want to know more please contact James Champion and he can put you in touch with the person who has been doing it so far.

And finally

Look out for details of the Guild AGM which this year is being held at Cowley on Saturday 16th May. We are planning displays on what the Guild can offer to its members….. put the date in your diary now, so you don’t miss this opportunity to meet ringers from around the Guild.

With best wishes,
