ODG Young Ringers Lockdown Award

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you well.

Given where we are with the Covid-19 pandemic and our ability to be active in our hobby, we (The Learning & Development Workgroup aka The Education sub-Committee) thought it would be a great idea to understand how the Guild’s younger membership were doing. To that end we are with immediate effect, launching the ‘ODG Young Ringers Lockdown Award’ which we sincerely hope will be a one off.

Obviously the ringing opportunities for all but a very few are very limited at the moment so we are looking for entries for anything at all related to ringing from the sensible (learned to ring handbells) to the completely ‘whacky’ (built their own mini ring out of matchsticks). Here are a few examples:

1.       Ringing crosswords
2.       Rope splicing (or using bell ropes to make something)
3.       Handbell ringing
4.       Use of Ringing Room, Abel, Handbell Stadium or other ringing platforms. What did you learn?
5.       Arts & Crafts (have you painted your local church, made a model bell, made a tapestry or cross stitch picture which is ringing related? – Anything goes)
6.       Composition (Methods, Touches, Peal etc)
7.       Anything else no matter how abstract, the more imaginative the better.

The Rules

1.       Entrants must be 18 or under at any time during 2021.
2.       Young Ringers can nominate themselves, or they can be nominated by an adult.
3.       Submission forms for the award are attached to this message and will be resent at intervals between now and the closing date.
4.       Multiple entries from each young ringer are permitted (the more the better)
5.       All entries to be received by 31st August 2021 (there will be an awards ceremony virtual or face to face by the end of September)
6.       There are no more rules 


Electronic submissions are preferred to youngaward@odg.org.uk<mailto:youngaward@odg.org.uk>. Please attach photographs of any physical artefacts and any other file attachments which support the submission. If a different method of submission is required, please contact youngaward@odg.org.uk<mailto:youngaward@odg.org.uk> and someone will get back to you..

Best wishes

Jo Druce
Colin Newman