Over to you – a message from the Guild Master

ODG LogoGuild Additional Meeting 4th July, Benson

I would just like to send a personal request to add to the formal notice that James Champion, Guild Secretary, has sent to towers concerning the Guild Additional Meeting on 4th July, called because there were not enough members present for us to transact any business at the scheduled AGM on 16th May.

Please consider coming to Benson (details on the Guild website), to support those who are standing as officers, and let James know if you are coming. secretary@odg.org.uk.

As you can imagine, the senior officers have received many suggestions for the way forward as a result of the low attendance at Cowley. We will of course look at what can be done in future. The Guild AGM takes place in a different branch each year so to balance the years when it is a long way away, there will be years when the distance to travel is not great.

The Guild offers many things to its members, and this meeting, together with future AGMs, is your chance to give something back by attending and supporting the officers.

I look forward to seeing those of you who can make it on 4th July.

With best wishes,