Over to you…….March 2017

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Over to you…….March 2017

It has been good to visit several branches for your AGMs – and I have a few still to come.

Whilst not most people’s cup of tea, it is important that we attend these meetings to play our part in influencing decisions – and particularly to support branch officers.

The Guild AGM is coming up – on Saturday 20th May – and you can expect details fairly soon. Please come – there will be activities and ringing, as well as the service and meeting.

Ahead of that – we know that the officers listed below do not wish to stand again. Please consider whether you, or someone in your tower, might have the skills needed – or might be willing to take on one of the jobs. This is a large guild and will only function well if we have officers for all of the posts. I have supplied an extract of some of their tasks, and the full job descriptions can be seen on the Guild website.

  • Deputy Master (support the Master; arrange Striking Competitions)
  • One Guild Steward (visit 3 branches and support as needed)
  • Webmaster (update the website – plans are in hand for this to be on a new platform)
  • Public Relations Officer (aim to set up a network of PR people around the Guild)
  • Safeguarding Officer (Katie Lane is happy to work alongside someone for a handover year)

Please contact either the current post-holder, or myself, if interested.

With best wishes,