Branch Bell Fund

The Branch has a small bell Fund which can help fund work on bells in North Bucks Towers.

Scope of the Fund

Grants will be considered for any work in North Bucks towers on: bells (including augmentation), fittings, frames, sound control, simulators, rope guides, and the provision of ropes.


Grants will be for £50 plus 1% of the project costs including VAT, with a maximum of £450, dependent on the balance in the Fund being sufficient at the time. If VAT can be claimed back, the grant will be for £50 plus 1% of the project costs excluding VAT. Minimum size of project eligible is £200.

Grants will remain valid for three years from agreement of the grant at a Branch meeting. The tower may re-apply for a grant after that time.

Grants will be payable on completion of the project, following approval by the Branch Officers, and on receipt of a paid invoice, as appropriate.

Grants will not be awarded retrospectively.

Management of the Fund

The Fund is held within the existing North Bucks Branch account, but ring-fenced for the purposes described here.

The Fund is managed by the Branch Treasurer, and will be audited annually by an independent examiner.

The balance and status of active grants will be reported as a separate item at each North Bucks Branch AGM for information.

The rules of the Fund will be made freely available, and can be changed as need dictates by the proposal and agreement of a change at a Branch meeting.

Grants to be applied for in writing to the Branch Secretary.

Grant applications will be reviewed by the Branch Officers, who will arrive at a recommendation for the next branch meeting where the application will be decided.