
ODGThe ringers’ insurance that we all pay for out of our subs as Guild members is for personal accidents to ourselves (Group Personal Accident Insurance). It pays out if we are injured, temporarily or permanently through ringing. It also covers death. More details can be viewed on the Guild website. There is, however, no Public Liability component in this policy.

The Guild does have Public Liability insurance for Guild training events. Our normal practices, teaching and service ringing are not deemed Guild events. North Bucks have made use of an extension to this policy to provide Public Liability cover when we used a mini-ring in Middleton Hall for the Big Ring Pull.

Each Church should have its own Public Liability insurance covering activities within each church. As the Tower Captain is appointed by the Church (not the Guild) the Church has the responsibility to ensure that the activities within the Church are covered by their own Public Liability cover.

The CCCBR has published a guidance note on Insurance and Ringing which contains some useful information.

Also there is some helpful guidance from the Ecclesiastical insurance group regarding Tower open days.