

  • In order to become a member of the guild/branch you must complete a membership nomination form and pay the appropriate fee. Your completed nomination form should then be sent to the branch secretary who will then ensure that it is submitted for approval at the next branch business meeting.
    The annual guild/branch membership fee is:
    • £17.00 for adult membership (consisting of £10.00 guild/branch subscription plus an optional £7.00 branch bell fund donation)
    • £7.00 for junior membership (consisting of £10.00 guild/branch subscription less a £3.00 branch subsidy), where junior members are those members aged 21 or under in full-time education.
    Note that the membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. All membership fees must be paid by no later than 31st March.
    Fees should be paid either by:
    • cash to any branch officer
    • bank transfer to ODGCBR North Bucks Branch, Account No: 83602488, SortCode: 60-16-45, Reference: your surname
    • cheque payable to ODGCBR North Bucks Branch.


Being a member of the branch gives you the following benefits:

  • Insurance. You are covered by the Guild Insurance Policy while ringing, and traveling to and from ringing.
  • Access to the wider ringing community. You will added to the distribution list for branch and guild information including details of upcoming events.
  • Participate in the running of the Branch and Guild. You can vote at meetings, propose and second new members, become Branch and Guild officers. All members are able to contribute in some way and can make a difference.
  • Help for ringers.  Ringing courses are arranged by the Branch and the Guild and are well publicised. These range from large, well established Guild events to smaller activities targeted to individual towers or ringers.  The Branch and Guild also provide financial support for educational and training activities.
  • Help for bells.  Most branches have ringers with experience of bell restoration projects so good advice is never far away. The Guild Towers and Belfries Committee is a “hands on” group of ringers who carry out inspections and can be called upon for unbiased advice.  The Guild also runs two charitable funds that make donations to bell projects in the Oxford Diocese.

What you are joining?

The Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers is split into 15 geographical branches. The North Bucks Branch was formed in 1904 and now covers the Buckingham, Milton Keynes and Newport Deaneries.

The Oxford Diocesan Guild is affiliated to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers providing a strong link with all ringers throughout the world.

Membership Requirements

If you are competent to ring for a Sunday Service and live within the Diocese, or ring regularly at a church within the Diocese, then you can become a member of the branch.

Member nominations need to be proposed and seconded by current members of the branch. You need to complete a membership nomination form and submit it to the Secretary, who will submit your nomination for approval at the next branch business meeting.